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Most eating-related side effects of cancer treatments go away after the treatment ends. Sometimes side effects such as poor appetite, dry mouth, change in taste or smell, trouble swallowing, or significant weight loss may last for some time. If this...
What is BMI?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for people. BMI does not measure body fat directly, but research has shown that BMI correlates to direct...
With wealth pretty much out the door for now, we would all do well to keep an extra watchful eye on our health. I know I’m going to keep this list of seven essential nutrients for immunity in my mind when I shop for my groceries. The list comes from...
I just wrote the word "diet" in the title so you'd know what I was talking about, but honestly, that should be a swear word. How about, "5 easy ways to get food to serve you and your goals?" Or what about, "The joy of food", or "The great things...
Calabaza Squash
Calabaza is a type of pumpkin-like squash that is round in shape and varies in size. It can be as large as a watermelon or as small as a cantaloupe. The color of calabaza can also vary and may include greens, tans, reds and oranges....