Healthy Eating

CarrotIt’s said you are what you eat, so dolls, let’s ensure what you’re eating is healthy! When our lives are constantly on the go, it’s easy to head down the road of meals that aren’t the most nutritional. Eating healthy and maintaining your weight can help reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. A healthy diet isn’t about a short term affair – it’s about changing your lifestyle for yourself and your family. So let's get cookin'!

February 12
You’d be nuts to skip out on this superfood.

Walnuts are a rich source of healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Owing to a combination of vitamin E, melatonin and polyphenols (powerhouse antioxidants that reduce inflammation...

February 12
Kids today consume far more sugar than recommended, but the effects don’t stop in childhood. New research reveals surprising ways early sugar exposure shapes long-term health.

Parents have long known too much sugar can harm their child’s health,...

January 15,
Emulsifiers found in many processed and ultra-processed foods may lead to chronic inflammation in the gut — setting off a “chain reaction of health issues.”

Some substances don’t mix naturally, like oil and water. But many recipes call for these...

December 19
Fend off holiday weight gain with these easy eating tricks.
1. The Strategy: Bring Your Own Food
Eat the best-for-you offerings first. For example, hot soup as a first course―especially when it's broth-based, not cream-based―can help you avoid...
December 10
The factory-farmed turkey that may come to the mind of some Americans is freakish: Over-engineered for decades, shot up with antibiotics and with so much breast meat it can't walk.

A better bird isn't hard to find. Small family farms are raising...
