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1. Sign up for the PVC-Free Schools Action Network. Sign up for the PVC –Free Schools Action Network, and you will receive monthly action alerts and updates when it matters most.  It’s a great way to stay posted on PVC-Free Schools campaign...
Video Click Here Oral cancer is surprisingly sneaky. It can look like a small white spot on the cheek, a tiny lip irritation, or even a bump on the tongue.  And with no symptoms until it’s advanced, it’s deadly, killing one person every hour in...
I've always been the one to plan out my life in advance. What can I say? I'm very driven when it comes to my future, college, husband, where I'm living, kids, and most recently, medical school. I received Cancer Schmancer for my fourteenth birthday...
Researchers from the National Institutes of Health have found that less than an hour of cellphone use can speed up brain activity in the area closest to the phone antenna, raising new questions about the health effects of low levels of...
The food police may find this hard to take, but chocolate has gotten a bad rap. People say it causes acne, that you should eat carob instead, that it's junk food. But these accusations are not only undeserved and inaccurate, they falsely...
