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8/08 In a recent Canadian study, 94 percent of women who walked five days a week were able to continue working throughout their treatment, as opposed to just 81 percent of those who exercised only when they felt up to it. When To Start When can you...
Sexuality Questions How will my cancer and its treatment affect my desire for sex and my sexual function? How long will these changes last? What can I do about them? Will I cause harm to myself or to my partner if I have sex? Are there any...
A colonoscopy is a diagnostic examination that allows a doctor to look inside the entire colon and rectum. It is used to determine the cause of colorectal problems. It is also used as a routine screening test for colorectal cancer in people who have...
The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is a diagnostic examination used to detect blood in the feces (stool). Blood in the stool may be a sign of colorectal cancer or other problems such as polyps (growths that develop on the inner wall of the colon and...
A computed tomography (CT) scan, also called a CAT scan, is a diagnostic exam used to detect tumors, determine the stage of the disease and whether cancerous cells have spread, and find out about the effectiveness of cancer treatment. CT scans are...
