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Four years ago, just after giving birth to her second child, the stay-at-home mom heard about BPA, a chemical inside some plastics that can leach into water or food slowly over time, potentially causing serious health problems like cancer....
Nine out of ten. According to a study released today, (May 17) those are your chances of having some bisphenol A (BPA) with tonight’s dinner, if canned food is on your menu. New testing for BPA sampled 50 cans of food and drinks, and found that...
Finding HPV in tumor meant lower death rates in those with cancer at back of the mouth, study finds
For patients battling a type of cancer that affects the back of the mouth, the chances of survival increase if the tumor contains the sexually...
For many women with early-stage breast cancer, treatment may become considerably less arduous, researchers say.
A new study found that certain women getting a lumpectomy may not need an operation to remove underarm lymph nodes, a procedure that ...
My Dear Friends,
I just can't believe how the time flies! On June 21st, Cancer Schmancer will be turning 3! And to top it off, on the same day I'll be celebrating my 10 year anniversary of wellness from uterine cancer. Woohoo!
For our birthday, we...