Health News
Nine out of ten. According to a study released today, (May 17) those are your chances of having some bisphen...
Finding HPV in tumor meant lower death rates in those with cancer at back of the mouth, study finds
For pati...
For many women with early-stage breast cancer, treatment may become considerably less arduous, researchers sa...
My doctor’s call came early last month just as I was completing a column noting that 41 percent of Americans...
A largely ignored contaminant doesn’t just resemble bisphenol A, the chemical found to leach out of hard pla...
Scientists Cite Advances on Two Kinds of Cancer
CHICAGO — Using two opposite strategies, one focused and o...
For years we have been told that smoking is harmful for our health, yet people continue to smoke. You would t...
Dense breast tissue is comprised of less fat and more connective tissue which appears white on a mammogram....
Every day, you make dozens of decisions about your health that can impact your well-being, such as whether to...
Cooking meat at high temperatures is known to create toxins called heterocyclic amines, which have...
This wonderful dessert uses the fruits of the season and is easy to double for a large gathering. Orange j...
From Feeding the Whole Family by Cynthia Lair (Sasquatch Books, 2008).
Using the whole chicken is more econ...