Health News

When was the last time you got screened for cancer? If you don't remember, you're not alone. At least 10,000...
Something as simple as olive oil could actually make a difference when predisposed to or fighting against bre...
Open publication - Free publishing - More women
This issue of Staying Well focuses on a major threat facing families in this country: our nation's childhood...
Laurel Borowick knew that something was wrong after feeling a hard, misshapen lump in the scar tissue of her r...
Since the beginning of 2010 nearly 37,000 women have died as result of breast cancer. This year alone over 200...
According to a new report from the President's Cancer Panel, environmental toxins play a significant and und...
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius spoke Thursday afternoon at the annual luncheon...
Underinsured black breast cancer patients have worse survival outcomes than underinsured white patients, a ne...
Overview Despite having the most costly health system in the world, the United States consistently underperfo...
Technique Combines Ultrasound and Computer Imaging; Doctors Warn it Does Not Replace Biopsies After getting n...
The American Cancer Society recommends these screening guidelines for most adults. Breast cancer Yearly mamm...
