Cell Phones & Health
Hi dolls,
I'm in Denver right now working with the 1st Lady, Michelle Obama, in a women's leadership program. It's so exciting and the First Lady is an incredible woman! More deets later!
But I did want to check in and tell you to tune in to the Dr. Oz show on Nov. 17th & 18th - there's a special segment on cell phones and health. I'm a strong advocate for finding out the environmental causes of cancer and we need to protect ourselves the best we can. Here's the video clip- http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/tuesday-dr-oz
You should also check out Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH's essay on cell phones and health and the Environmental Health Trust, a nonprofit devoted to researching and controlling avoidable environmental health threats.
We need to put a stop to what's making us sick.
Be well,