Watermelon Mint Mocktail

A splash of summer flavor!

This “mocktail” is the perfect go-to for a light, refreshing beverage to enjoy on a hot summer day. The watermelon and mint are reminiscent of the flavor profile for a mojito, but without the alcohol – which is toxic for our bodies, even in small amounts. But simply choosing not to drink alcohol does not mean you have to give up the fun of enjoying a dynamic and enticing beverage! Serve this mocktail in your favorite fancy glass and kick back in your lounge chair – you won’t even miss the booze. This mocktail captures the essence of summer flavor with the light and crisp taste of mint and lime married with the soft sweetness of fresh watermelon.

– Melanya Kushla, MS, RD, CHES at Taste & Thrive LLC

Nutrition Highlights

Food is both a joy in life and physical nourishment. Our recipes are carefully created with anti-inflammatory ingredients in flavorful combinations and cooking methods so you can both take care of your body and enjoy doing so!

  • Watermelon helps us regulate hydration due to its high water and electrolyte content. It is also packed full of detoxifying components such as potassium, magnesium, anthocyanins, and a specific amino acid called citrulline (which helps remove toxins from the kidneys). It also reduces cancer risk with its high amount of lycopene and vitamin C.
  • Mint and Basil contain a range of protective vitamins such as Vitamins A, C, and K. They are Packed full of antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress in the body, including lutein, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin. These are known not only to reduce the risk of cancer but can also prevent age-related macular degeneration and support liver health.
  • Lime zest is packed with many nutrients, such as vitamin C, flavonoids, and fiber, which aid in vascular protection, reduce inflammation, improve gastrointestinal function and health, and play an important role in preventing diabetes, cancer, and neurological disease. The fiber present also supports a healthy microbiome. Using just the zest adds a burst of lime flavor without the tartness of the juice, so there is no need for added sugar to counteract the sourness.

Click here for the recipe