Soul Tips - Sound Healing

Our entire Universe originated from a single sound; Aum. Sound creates a certain vibration and has the power to change the state of matter. All matter is actually energy vibrating a certain rate and by altering the vibration, the structure of the matter can be altered as well. Tibetan singing bowls vibrate at the frequency of perfection. The frequency of perfection is the single sound in which the entire Universe was created; Aum. By utilizing the power of Aum, we have the opportunity to invoke the sacred process of healing and bringing our vibration back into perfect harmony with all that is.

The sounds produced from the Tibetan Singing Bowls cause the brain to move into Theta brain wave frequencies which induce deep meditative and peaceful states, increased intuition and clarity of mind. The sound vibrations affect our nervous system, enlisting our relaxation reflex and averting our stress or pain response. The perfect sound being produced by the singing bowls also boost the production of disease-fighting immune cells. All parts of your body resonate at a different frequency. We experience perfect health when every organ and every cell of our body are in harmony. When a part of your body or an organ in your body are not vibrating harmoniously, you will experience disease. When energy flow is blocked or underactive in a certain area of the body, it stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and results in weakness and malady. The sounds created by the singing bowl have the power to restore the flow of energy, break up blockages and raise vibration. Tibetan singing bowls also balance and restore harmony to your chakras, which are energy vortexes throughout your body, corresponding to specific glands in your endocrine system. More often than not, cancer and other illnesses are caused by a blockage or dysfunction in one of the chakras.

Sound healing is gaining in popularity in recent years. It treats many physical, emotional and spiritual ailments. Sound healing is effective in treating stress- related illnesses like depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The power of sound has the capacity to bring our body, mind and spirit back into a state of perfect harmony, thereby healing the body and eliminating disease.

Aum, my friends!

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About Break The Norms

The 'Break The Norms Movement' is an initiative to break taboos in spirituality and provide a transparent picture of the pure potentiality that is seeking manifestation in each one of us. With sacred meditations and workshops, we aim to prepare you with road-maps to truth in a way that is amoral and independent in its soul. Visit us at