Soul Tips - Deal With It!!!

It is incredible how your body is directly affected by your mental and emotional state. The higher your level of stress, the higher will be the caliber of your physical illness and the higher your probability for developing cancer. Some studies reveal that mental anguish and negative emotions are responsible for about 85% of all physical ailments. Stress can really throw you way off track and destroy you, both body and mind.

The reality is, however, that our modern, every-day lives are plagued with stress. We experience stress at work, at school, at home, in our car... the list goes on and on. The key is how we deal with that stress and how we let it affect us. But let's face it, we can't all drop our lives, head to the nearest monastery and immerse ourselves in prayer for the rest our days to avoid stress...Stress is unavoidable. But stress and negative emotions need to be dealt with and released properly in order to avert physical illness and maintain a healthy body and mind. How one deals with stress seems to be a major factor in the contributing causes of cancer. Many cancer patients have gone through a particularly stressful event. This traumatic event is likely the loss of a loved one, loss of a business, job, home, or some other serious issue. Major stress causes major suppression of the immune system which causes major physical ailments.

Disempowering beliefs and negative thought patterns disrupt the systems of your body that maintain your overall well-being. These patterns of consciousness are, more often than not, learned behaviors, so the good news is that they can be unlearned. Repressed emotions like anger, sadness, self-pity and anxiety are toxic and will fester and eventually manifest themselves physically. This inevitably leads to illness and disease.

A great many of us are carrying around repressed memories and unresolved emotional traumas or old hurts from our childhood and sometimes even from past lives. If these feelings stay unresolved within you, they will be reactivated at times throughout your life. It is like you are reliving your pain all over again and this will not allow you to live in the present. Old, negative emotions and hurtful memories need to be allowed to surface and be healed and then released.

The fastest, easiest and best way to center yourself and combat stress is deep breathing. When you feel waves of anger, hurt, anxiety, stress or whatever coming up, just stop and breathe. Breathe deeply through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. Your body will be flooded with fresh, new air which will oxygenate your blood and give you new-found clarity and calm. Ask yourself, "What am I really feeling right now?" If you repress it or ignore it, it WILL NOT go away. You will have to deal with that negative emotion at some point later on, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Face the feeling, deal with it and let it go.

Another great way to get in touch with your emotions and discover how you are feeling is writing. If you are angry, write it down. Feeling sad? Write it down. Things don't seem so scary once you get them out of your head and onto a piece of paper. If you have an old drama that you have been carrying around for ages, write it down and burn it or rip it up. Whatever works for you, just get rid of it. Then it's gone and you don't have to carry it around with you anymore. Emotions needs to be acknowledged and stress needs to be managed.

We experience emotions in order to learn something. Emotions call our attention to what needs to be dealt with in our life. They are not meant to be suppressed and stuffed away into the dark corners of our head and heart. Face them, learn from them and be made whole from them.

Clean your mind. Clean your body. Clean your life.

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About Break The Norms
The 'Break The Norms Movement' is an initiative to break taboos in spirituality and provide a transparent picture of the pure potentiality that is seeking manifestation in each one of us. With sacred meditations and workshops, we aim to prepare you with road-maps to truth in a way that is amoral and independent in its soul. Visit us at