Fran Drescher Eats Natural To Stay Healthy

Fran Drescher swears by organic foods.

“I am a health advocate and a cancer survivor,” the Happily Divorced star, 53, tells me. “I think that the more toxins we put into our body, the harder it is for our body to have the kind of immune system that we need to prevent a host of diseases, including cancer. I try to help the situation out because 95% of all cancers are environmental. What we bring into our home, what we put on our skin and what we put in our mouths is important when it comes to preventing cancer for you and your family.”

She urges dieters to start the day with a bowl of organic fruit.

“Then when you get hungry, then you can have your regular whatever-you-eat for breakfast. Cut back on dairy and animal protein, and try and put as much organic in your meals. And try and eat as much whole food as possible.”

Why’s that?

“It is better to eat natural and not processed,” she says. “You’re better off eating off eating a whole fruit, you’re better off eating whole grains. It should look like the food. The more you eat food that looks like food with single item ingredients, I think the healthier you’ll stay. It’s all the about the balancing act, and the more you can eat healthy and organic, whole food, then the less of a problem it is when you do want to splurge on something that’s probably not the best for you, but your body can handle it. Eat healthy.”

She never tends to skip meals.

“The more often you eat, the more your metabolism stays working at a good clip, and the less often you eat, the slower your metabolism goes, so you’re better off eating six or eight small meals, constantly throughout the day, than skipping meals,” she says. “What I tend to do is eat three meals a day. Healthy all healthy.”

Another key: She doesn’t allow herself to go out without snacks.

“I bring my own food into work. I don’t subject myself to the food that they feed you at work because it’s too fattening, too junky and probably not organic.”