BLOG: NEW T-Shirts Are Here!

Dolls, I am so excited about our limited-edition t-shirts designed especially for us by SelflessTee!  Aren't they fabulous?  But they're only available for the NEXT TWO WEEKS.

The proceeds go toward Cancer Schmancer's new prevention campaign.  But more than that,  they're great conversation starters.  When someone asks you what Trash Cancer means, you can tell them it's all about living clean.  

Every day, we are exposed to toxins in our cleaning products, our personal care products, and our plastics  American babies are born pre-polluted with nearly 300 chemicals found in umbilical cord blood!  Shocking.  Chemcials like BPA, flame retardants, lead, and PCBs that are linked not only to cancer but also to autism, obesity, ADHD, diabetes, infertility, and heart disease.

And a special thank you to SelflessTee for running this campaign with Cancer Schmancer. I love the design.  So creative!  SelflessTee puts non-profits together with top designers to raise money and awareness for causes like our new prevention program.

So please, buy a shirt.  Spread the word.  Toss out those toxic products.  Lobby our government for safe products.  Be a smart consumer.  Live Clean.

Click here to get your new tee now before time runs out!