Assess Your Cancer Risk -- Free

ACS CancerRisk360™

Your cancer risk depends on several factors, including things that can be controlled or modified to help decrease cancer risk like lifestyle behaviors and choices, such as tobacco use, diet, physical activity, body weight, HPV vaccination, and sun and UV protection.  However, there are also risk factors that you can’t control or modify, such as age and family history.  Getting recommended cancer screening tests regularly can also reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Research shows that nearly half of all cancers can be linked to risk factors you can change.  Take the ACS CancerRisk360 assessment to learn more about what you can change to improve your health and lower your cancer risk.

How do you know if you are at risk for cancer?

Take the cancer risk assessment to learn more about what factors might affect your personal cancer risk and actions you can take to help lower your risk. Please note that you have to be 18 years or older to take this assessment.

Take the Assessment