Skin Cancer Symptoms

In general, any new or changing spots on your skin that persist for two weeks or more should be brought to your doctor’s attention. Skin cancer often has no symptoms in its early stages, though symptoms can appear at any point.

Skin cancer symptoms may include:

  • A new spot on the skin or 
  • A changes in the size, shape or color of an existing spot. These changes can vary greatly so there is no one way to describe how a skin cancer looks.
  • A spot that is itchy or painful
  • A non-healing sore that bleeds or develops a crust
  • A red- or skin-colored shiny bump on the top of the skin
  • A red rough or scaly spot that you can feel
  • A growth with a raised border and central crust or bleeding
  • A wart-like growth
  • A scar-like growth without a well-defined border

Skin cancer symptoms can vary depending on the type of skin cancer and its location on the skin. Below are general descriptions of the various symptoms associated with specific skin cancer types.

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