Cancer Prevention

2022 Dirty Dozen from EWG

Environmental Working Group has announced its Dirty Dozen list for 2022. These are the non-organic fruits and vegetables that tested highest in unhealthy pesticide residue. Use this list to protect your family from unsafe foods. Did anything make the list that surprised you?

1. Strawberries

2. Spinach

3. Kale, collard, and mustard greens

4. Nectarines

5. Apples

6. Grapes

7. Bell & hot peppers

8. Cherries

9. Peaches

10. Pears

11. Celery

How to Lower Your Pesticide Exposure ASAP

Summer is here and many of us are filling our plates with vibrant fruits and vegetables. The produce section at the grocery store is packed, produce stands are popping up everywhere, and the farmer’s market season is in full swing. To me, summer is all about eating the rainbow!

What we don’t talk about, however, is the dark side of all this fresh food consumption.

What’s that? Pesticides.

Breast cancer and plant-based diets: Unhealthy foods linked to 20% higher risk

  • Body-mass index and diet have both been linked to increased cancer risk, though the exact nature of the mechanism behind this is not well understood, and is assumed to be multifactorial.
  • New research has shown a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Anxiety: Is there a secret to taming it? The Gut

A New Study Says Healing the Gut is the Key

Sweaty palms, racing thoughts, nausea or dizziness, tightness in the chest and trouble catching your breath… the symptoms of anxiety are no joke. Anxiety is way more than just stress, worry, or trouble managing stress; it can be constant, unrelenting, and easily take over your life, disrupting not only your ability to relax and enjoy life but also your job, your relationships, and your health.

Teenagers: How to Stay Healthy

65% of all deaths in adults are caused by heart disease, cancer, and stroke. In many cases, these diseases are preventable. Many of the behaviors that cause these diseases begin at a young age. For example, teens who use tobacco are more likely to have heart disease, cancer, or stroke in adulthood.

Prevention is Key – April is National Cancer Control Month

Advances in cancer screening and treatment are continuously occurring, but surviving cancer still depends largely upon early detection and treatment. Under President Franklin Roosevelt, April was designated National Cancer Control Month in 1943 to promote cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment. Controlling cancer to reduce cancer disability and death remains a critical national public health goal.

12 Ways to Get Clean Air Without Chemicals

Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, the quality of the air you breathe can have a big impact on your health. Studies have tied poor outdoor air quality to lung cancer, strokes, and heart disease. In fact, air pollution causes about seven million deaths worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization.

Are There Toxins in Your Food Packaging?

Food packaging can be the source of some pretty toxic players🤷:
🔹 Styrofoam, also known as styrene in the chemical industry, is a known carcinogen…which means that it’s been shown to cause cancer in animal studies
🔹 Animal studies are used to study a single chemical’s effects… because their diet, lifestyle, and other exposures can be easily controlled…humans not-so-much!

15 Easy Ways to Detox Every Room in Your Home

Our bodies are naturally self-cleaning machines—but our homes are another story. So until they can clean themselves, what can you do to limit the grime and the chemicals?
